Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

Update: The full video of the 2nd debate is below now that the debate has concluded.

Original: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face each other in the second presidential debate tonight starting at 8:00p (CT). The two will meet for a town hall style debate at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. They will be fielding questions from undecided voters and it will be moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and ABC News’ Martha Raddatz.

We are embedding the live stream offered by NBC News below so you can watch it right here. Our editor, Shane Vander Hart, will be live tweeting during the debate as well. Follow him at @shanevanderhart if you have Twitter.

Leave your comments about the debate below (if you are a first time commenter your comment will automatically go into moderation, it may not be approved until after the debate, just an FYI. Comments that are vulgar or personal attacks will be deleted and the commentor will be blocked as that violates our comment policy).

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