U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley’s campaign shared a video of former Lt. Governor Patty Judge’s interview with the Sioux City Journal editorial board. During that meeting she was asked about the balanced budget amendment. What she said is unreal.


“We do require that in Iowa, but I do not believe it is the wise thing to do. I did not think it was the wise thing to do at the state level, and I really do not believe it is the wise thing to do in the country,” Judge said.

Balancing a budget is not wise… Let that sink in a moment.

It is crazy to hear a politician say something that asinine out loud and yet Judge wants to represent you in the U.S. Senate. Washington has a spending problem. A national debt of $20 Trillion testifies to that fact. Washington has just been overspending and printing money.

The very first step to pay down the debt is to balance the budget, and the only way that will happen is if Washington is forced to by law which Judge is against.

This shouldn’t be surprising. When Judge was Lt. Governor she was part of an administration that had a horrible track record of mismanaging money. She and Governor Chet Culver were one of the few administrations to be drummed out of office after one term and that was mainly due to fiscal mismanagement.

Because of the failed I-Jobs program the state went $875 million in debt. The spent $1.14 for every dollar that was brought into the state coffers. The Culver-Judge administration then implemented an irresponsible ten percent across-the-board spending cut that was done without any forethought or prioritization. They also had a one billion dollar short fall.

This is what Patty Judge wants to bring to Washington.

No thank you.

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