Photo credit: Gage Skidmore
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

The final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is in the can. Here are six quick takeaways that I see from this debate.

1. Hillary Clinton’s extreme position on abortion laid bare.

Hillary Clinton’s discussion of Roe v. Wade and defense of abortion made her look extreme. She was forced to go to a place where she probably wanted to avoid. She advocated no limits on abortion even though a majority of Americans support some limits on abortion. She said she would defend Planned Parenthood when a majority of Americans support no taxpayer funding for abortion providers.

National polling by QuinnipiacNational JournalHuffington PostNBC/Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post/ABC News all found that a plurality or majority of Americans support limiting abortion after five months and that women support the measure in higher proportions than men.

Marist poll released in July found that a majority of Americans (62 percent) oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, including 63 percent of women, 45 percent of those who say they are “pro-choice” and 44 percent of Democrats.

2. Donald Trump was better prepared, but not as much as he should be.

At the start he seemed pretty prepared. He took advantage of some opportunities and took some nice shots at Hillary Clinton. That said he repeated himself a lot and failed to develop some of the offensives he launched.

For instance the exchange on ISIS was a missed opportunity. He also needed to provide some substance to his answers. An example, he said he would repeal Obamacare, but he didn’t say what he would replace it with. He didn’t explain how his economic plan would save Social Security, etc.

3. Just say you’ll accept the results of the election.

Donald Trump’s refusal to answer whether he will accept the results of the election just plays into the media’s hands. I was asked about this tonight. Look, if the results are close and recounts are warranted and/or legal challenges are possible I can see either candidate doing that.

However, since Trump has complained that the process is rigged the narrative is that he will support rioting in the streets. If Clinton wins there will be no Trump-sponsored coup d’etat, this is just liberal fear mongering. Trump fed into that however.

Of course both candidate will accept the results because they will have no choice but to accept the results.

4. You can’t say you respect women and then call Hillary Clinton “a nasty woman.”

Trump did this not once, but twice. Dumb
. Guess what is going to be the focus on the media? He didn’t come out presidential fitness exchange in glowing fashion. He said he sexual assault allegations were debunked, but didn’t say how.

5. Chris Wallace was the best moderator of all three debates.

He was tough, but fair with both candidates. He asked both probing questions. He called both out on going too long.

6. This won’t move the needle.

I don’t see this debate really changing the course of the race. The results of this election I think will be determined ultimately by outside events – allegations, scandals, etc.

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