President-Elect Donald Trump. That is a phrase that up until a couple of weeks ago I never thought I would have to utter. But here it is. Here is the victory speech he gave last night.

We will later look at what carried him to victory, even though I think it is pretty evidence. Americans wanted change and Hillary Clinton did not represent that change. They wanted someone who is a strong leader and they didn’t see Clinton as someone who fills that need. Obviously Americans did not want to “hire” someone who was under FBI investigation.

So no we have President-Elect Trump.

The sun still rose in the east. God is still on his throne. And I would say the same if if the new day greeted President-Elect Hillary Clinton.

I am happy that we won’t have a President Clinton. I am not disappointed to see her lose and see the Clinton family fade into obscurity (that is unless she ends up being indicted).

When President-Elect Trump is sworn into office he will be greeted by a Senate and House that are still held by Republicans.

He has the opportunity to appoint a strict constructionist Supreme Court justice who will have a good chance to be confirmed. He has the opportunity to appoint strong conservatives to his cabinet who should also see little resistance. He, along with Congress, will have the opportunity to finally address Obamacare, border security, protecting religious liberty, and tax reform.

We will be able to see if he will truly follow through on the promises that he made. He will have the opportunity to prove his detractors wrong. He will have the opportunity to win my vote if he governs well.

Or he will be an unmitigated disaster. Time will tell. One thing that I will commit to President-Elect Trump is that I will pray for him that he will govern well because that is in our country’s best interest.

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