(Des Moines, IA) The Iowa Pro-Life Fellowship on Tuesday held an event called Iowa Prayer for Life. The event started at the Iowa State Capitol with prayer and some education on particular bills that were currently active this legislative session. Those who attended were also given the opportunity to pray with their legislators, as well as, participate in some grassroots lobbying.

The event finished at the First Church of the Open Bible with lunch and a program featured a testimony from Jason Jones, the founder of Movie to Movement. Jones was an Executive Producer on the 2006 film, Bella, which won several film industry awards, most notably the Peopleā€™s Choice Award at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival. Jason was the Associate Producer of the 2008 film, The Stoning of Soraya M., which won the NAACP Image Award in 2010 as well as the Los Angeles Film Festival Audience Award in 2009. He was Producer in 2012 of the TV movie Mother Marianne: Portrait of a Saint and an Executive Producer of Voiceless which came out in 2016.

Meagan Weber then spoke. She shared about her struggles having been a single mother who faced two unexpected pregnancies. Weber works with And Then There Were None, a ministry that provides support for abortion industry workers who want to quit. And Then There Were None was launched by Abby Johnson who was a former Planned Parenthood clinic manager herself. Weber shared that since 2012 the ministry has helped 330 abortion industry workers quit.

Organizations that participated with the Iowa Prayer for Life event were Agape Pregnancy Center, Informed ChoicesIowa Right to LifeThe FAMiLY LeaderIowans for LIFERestored by Grace MinistriesPersonhood IowaLutherans for Life and Ruth Harbor.

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