Iowa Senate Republicans are excited about the opportunity to move forward legislation that grows our economy, assists our job creators and makes Iowa a great place to do business, live and raise our children. Senate File 1 is a good start in making this a vision a reality.

I want to applaud those who step up and take risks in launching new business endeavors in our state as well as those companies who have long been fixtures on Main Streets across Iowa. The hard-working Iowa workers and those who sign their paychecks are two key reasons why Iowa’s economy continues to flourish.  However, we must not rest on our laurels. It is important to work with our business leaders instead of inhibiting them and saddling them with burdensome regulations.
Senate File 1 passed off the Senate floor this week. It demonstrates our commitment to growing the economy of our great state, and getting government out of the way of our job creators. We debated this bill Wednesday night, and it passed by a vote of 50-0.
Senate File 1 requires a jobs impact statement be provided by an administrative agency when it proposes a new rule to be taken up by the Administrative Rules Committee. As a member of the Administrative Rules Committee, I will see these job impact statements.
The job impact statement will identify any costs to the state, local governments, public or regulated industries as well as determine whether the proposed rule would have a positive or negative impact on private sector jobs. Senate File 1 also directs the job impact statement to include the category and number of jobs being impacted.
This is currently the practice in Iowa when Governor Branstad issued Executive Order 71 in 2011.Passage of Senate File 1 will put the Governor’s executive order now in code when it passes in the Iowa House and signed by Governor Branstad. This is the first step in what I hope will be comprehensive regulatory reform in Iowa. I always will look to find a balance between necessary regulations and creating a business climate that fosters economic growth in Iowa.
I truly believe this is important to grow jobs and our economy in Iowa. By putting this executive order into code will help prevent a future governor from removing this requirement with the stroke of a pen.
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