Shane and Brian getting ready for another hour of broadcast excellence.
Shane and Brian getting ready for another hour of broadcast excellence.

On Caffeinated Thoughts Radio this week Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk to Dr. Calvin Beisner, founder and national spokesperson for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, about the controversy surrounding Scott Pruitt who is the new Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Beisner also discusses what President Donald Trump’s 31 percent cut for the EPA in his FY 2018 budget means for the agency.

Congresman Steve King (R-Iowa) calls in and talks to Shane and Brian about the tweet that landed him in hot water with liberals and even some Republicans. He discussed the decline of Western Civilization and the issues Europe already faces with open borders and a declining birth rate.

The guys discuss President Trump’s budget blueprint released this week, his doubling down on wiretapping accusations, another federal court overturns his second attempt at a travel ban. Also the Iowa Senate passes a 20-week abortion ban.

Remember you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines Metro area.  You can also listen online live here.  Also our podcast of the radio show can be found on iTunesGoogle Play MusicStitcher or TuneIn. You can also subscribe to the podcast on your Android-based phone.

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