President Donald Trump at CPAC 2017.
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore
President Donald Trump at CPAC 2017.
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

You can say a lot about President Donald Trump’s personal Twitter feed, but boring would not be a word that applies. He took to Twitter this morning to accuse former President Barack Obama of tapping his phones at Trump Tower.

This is a serious allegation. I think it is important for him to produce evidence that backs up what he is tweeting. If true, he is right, this is as bad as Watergate and people need to be held accountable. If it is not true then it seriously undermines any credibility he has and frankly will hurt the Presidency.

So we’ll be waiting to hear that the Justice Department is launching an investigation. If this doesn’t occur I think we can assume these allegations are not true.

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