Photo credit: Students for Life

Gallup released their latest poll on abortion last week conducted from May 3-7 surveying 1,011 American Adults. They survey Americans about the issue of abortion on a biennial basis.

Some observations from this poll:

  1. Less than 1/3 of Americans (29 percent) believe abortion should be legal under any circumstance.
  2. 54 percent of Americans want to see abortion illegal except in a few circumstances.
  3. Democrats have shifted leftward on abortion with 71 percent identifying themselves as pro-choice.
  4. 49 percent believe abortion is morally wrong compared to 43 percent who don’t.
  5. Fewer American identify as pro-choice 49 percent compared to 56 percent in 1995. Those who view themselves as pro-life has grown from 33 percent in 1995.

The pro-life community still has much work to do. Only 18 percent say they want abortion banned in all circumstances.

I wished they were more nuanced in their questions than this. I would like to know what are the circumstances some believe abortion should be legal. I wonder if some consider the life of the mother as one of the only circumstances? That would be line with most pro-life Americans.

Americans are still pretty divided on this issue though the majority does favor some bans we are still a long way off from seeing the end of abortion from a public policy standpoint. We have a lot of educating to do as the number of people who see abortion has immoral has dropped 7 percent since 2009.

Frankly, both sides of the debate can spin different numbers in this poll, but there are positive numbers for the pro-life movement. Since 1995 the poll numbers have tightened between Americans who consider themselves to be pro-choice verse those who view themselves as pro-life, that is progress. Conversely, we can’t ignore that in the last decade growth is stagnant, but the gap between the two groups is within the margin of error.

Keeping things in perspective, we do have to bear in mind that his is one poll. Our fight is far from over regardless of the poll numbers.

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