Dr. Carolyn McLarty at The National Pulse highlighted a prayer prayed in the U.S. Senate chamber 70-years-ago today by Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall.
This prayer request is timeless.
We thank Thee, O Lord, that this land is still governed by the people’s representatives. Let democratic processes be seen at their best in this time of testing.
As these chosen men discharge their duties, guide them, O God, in the decisions they must make today. Give them the grace of humility, and shed now Thy guiding light into every mind. Break down every will that is stubbornly set against Thine or that has ignored Thee.
May what is done be so clearly right that it needs no incendiary justification. Soothe our still-smoldering hearts and minds with the spirit of forgiveness. Let us be swayed not by emotion or ambition but by calm conviction. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. (The Prayers of Peter Marshall, page 122)
Obviously, if he prayed this today he wouldn’t say “men,” but in 1947 there were no women in the Senate.
Our Senators still need divine guidance. They need humility and need to seek God’s will, not their own. With the tension in today’s politics, the Senate (and heck we’ll include the House as well) need their still-smoldering hearts and minds soothed with a spirit of forgiveness.
I know I want to see our elected Representatives making their decision based on “calm convictions” not out of selfish ambition or emotion.
So when you pray for our elected officials, as Christians are called to do, keep this prayer from Peter Marshall in mind.