Today, the Reynolds-Gregg team announced that U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst will serve as state Co-Chairs of the campaign, as Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and Lt. Governor Adam Gregg prepare for the 2018 election. The Senators join Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey as state Co-Chairs and over 1,050 county chairs from all 99 counties in support of the Governor and Lt. Governor’s agenda to Build a Better Iowa.

“I’ve gotten to know Gov. Kim Reynolds and about her dedicated service to Iowa over a long period of time. I’m glad to stand with the groundswell of grassroots support for her campaign. It’s clear that Gov. Reynolds and Lt. Gov. Gregg understand what it takes to be effective leaders, and that is to build support and energy from the bottom up. You see that with more than 1,000 county chairs from all 99 counties already with them. In office and on the campaign trail, their hands-on approach reflects what it takes to win, and I’m glad to support Gov. Reynolds and Lt. Gov. Gregg as they work to build on successes in another term leading our state. I hope Iowans will join me in supporting them,” Grassley said.

“I have known Governor Reynolds for over ten years now, and can attest to her leadership, hard work, and compassion for her fellow Iowans. I’ve watched her rise from the county courthouse, to the State Senate, to Lieutenant Governor and now to the Governor’s office and at each stop along the way she has dug in, learned the details, and tried to find new ways to serve her fellow citizens. Her vision for the future of our state will ensure that our children and grandchildren have the maximum possible opportunity to achieve success right here in Iowa. I’m thrilled to call Kim Reynolds my friend and my Governor, and am going to do everything I can to ensure she remains in that role for many years to come. I will be supporting her and Lt. Governor Gregg in 2018, and urge my fellow Iowans to do the same, ” Ernst stated.

“I’m honored to have Senator Grassley and Senator Ernst serve as Co-Chairs. Their dedication to Iowans and relentless support of our nation is unquestioned. Every day, our senior senator, Chuck Grassley, holds government accountable and models our Midwestern values. He leads with the greater good in mind and Iowans trust him to do the right thing. Senator Joni Ernst has committed her life to Iowans and her country. Joni quickly stepped into her senatorial role and began making a difference for Iowans. Whether it’s fighting for our veterans, looking out for farmers, or working to empower Iowans, she doesn’t back down. As we prepare for the 2018 election we are thrilled to have these two humble public servants serve as co-chairs of our campaign as we work to build a better Iowa,” Reynolds said in response to this announcement.

“The Governor and I work hand in hand with Iowans across all 99 counties each day to build a better Iowa. As we lay the groundwork for the 2018 election, there are no two leaders we’d rather have supporting our efforts than Senator Grassley and Senator Ernst. The Senators works as tirelessly on the campaign trail as they do representing Iowans in Washington, and we will build a campaign that meets and hopefully exceeds the high bar they have set. We are honored to have their support,” Gregg added.

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