Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting site, Las Vegas Village and Festival Grounds, Las Vegas Strip, Nevada. Pictures were taken one week before the beginning of the country music festival from a helicopter. The image shows final preparations for the Route 91 Harvest Festival and the surrounding main casinos and hotels.
Photo credit: Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz (CC-By-SA 4.0)

The Las Vegas massacre rocked the nation.  It once again, brought out the calls for more restrictive gun control, even though this particular shooter passed all background checks, and even bought some of his guns in California.  A state with some of the most restrictive firearm laws in the nation.  Firearm laws that gun control advocates assured us, would keep people like Stephen Paddock from obtaining guns.

They were wrong.

There are 20,000 local, state and federal gun laws on the books.  Even if we have 20,000 more, none of them will legislate the evil or crazy out of a person.

This includes the banning or excessive regulation of bump fire stocks.  A device approved by the ATF and intended to help those with limited hand mobility to fire a rifle.  Infringing on the rights of the disabled because one man misused a product in a way it was never intended to be used, is no different than banning specific firearms because someone used one in a manner it was never intended to be used.

(Click here for the bump stock approval letter from the ATF.)

Here are my thoughts:

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