Last Saturday, Adam Graham criticized the elimination of the adoption tax credit in the House Republican tax reform plan. As an update to that story last Thursday, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and Republican House leadership restored the adoption tax credit in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
Pro-life groups praised the news.
“Over the last week our pro-life allies including Reps. Trent Franks, Diane Black, Mike Kelly, Chris Smith worked diligently to restore the Adoption Tax Credit to the GOP tax reform bill. We thank them for their efforts and we thank Chairman Brady for making the critical motion to restore it,” Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said. “This important pro-life tax credit costs the government relatively little, but by reducing the steep expenses of adoption, it makes all the difference to tens of thousands of families each year who open their homes and hearts to children in need. The amended bill gives these families the support they deserve in making the courageous, loving decision to adopt.”
“After hearing from pro-life Americans nationwide, Congress did the right thing in adding back the adoption tax credit to the tax bill. Pregnant mothers need to know that the choice of adoption is both viable and supported by the U.S. Government, which should not be funding the nation’s largest abortion vendor on one hand while cutting adoption funding on the other. In fact, Students for Life of America would welcome an increase in the lifetime deduction, as adoption cost can go higher than $40,000, making it almost impossible for many families. At stake are real human lives. We all probably know someone who is adopted or have adopted friends or family. We need to support those families who make a lasting difference in the lives of children. There are better ways to balance a budget than on the backs of children who need good homes and on parents who want to provide what the children desperately need,” Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins said.
“Adoption affirms the unborn child’s right to life, allowing each baby to enter the world as a blessing for another family. While in effect, the adoption tax credit has served as an effective way to encourage adoption by easing the often-steep financial expense that can be incurred by adopting a child,” Carol Tobias, President of National Right to Life Committee said.
“The right-to-life movement has long promoted adoption as an alternative for single mothers facing unexpected pregnancies, offering them a viable alternative to abortion. Keeping the adoption process easier for families who want to adopt can offer encouragement to those mothers considering adoption as an alternative,” she added.
“We are thankful to see that, as of today, the Adoption Tax Credit is back! Thank you to Chairman Brady and House Leadership for listening to the voice of the people and reinstating the adoption tax credit in the amended Tax Cuts and Job Act,” Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America said. “Overhauling our tax system is a huge undertaking but it’s important that we work to get it right for American families and this is a huge step in the right direction.”
“The Adoption Tax Credit is crucial for adoptive families who make significant financial sacrifices for their children. The substantial upfront cost of adopting a child should never be the reason why a family has to forgo adoption. Restoring the Adoption Tax Credit is integral to ensuring that tax reform is pro-family,” she added.