President Donald Trump while campaigning promised he would appoint pro-life judges. It is difficult to ascertain how pro-life his judicial nominees will be since they don’t discuss how they’ll rule on specific cases and they also don’t, generally, say they are pro-life.

Shane Vander Hart had a conversation late last week with Deanna Wallace who is the staff counsel for Americans United for Life. Wallace discussed her view of Trump’s judicial nominees in general and explained why Kyle Duncan, who was appointed to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, is the type of judge pro-life activists should hope for.

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The Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast can only exist due to the generosity of our sponsors.

This show is sponsored in part by American Principles Project, a conservative political think tank in Washington, D.C. American Principles Project believes that human dignity should be at the heart of public policy. They work in all 50 states and in Washington, D.C. to promote life, religious freedom, local control over education, authentic economic progress for working Americans, and a return to constitutional principles, such as federalism. Want to help American Principles Project? Visit their website today. Sign up for e-mail updates, send a small (or large) donation their way, help them out. They are a great group.

Also, be sure to check out Travis Risvold of Modern Woodmen of America. Call Travis at 515-883-0029. He can help you find the life insurance YOU need.

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