Photo credit: American Life League (CC-By-NC 2.0)

Planned Parenthood is just plain evil, and this op/ed by Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, in The Daily Caller provides an educational moment for us.

1. We have not “defunded Planned Parenthood” here in Iowa.

Please correct ANY Iowa politician who says we did (If they persist, give them my number: 515-868-7562). Nor have we defunded the abortion industry as a whole, which was the stated goal last session. We have redirected family planning dollars away from abortion providers. That amounts to about three million dollars. BUT, there is still roughly that much more money out there going to the death mills.

While turning off the rest of the money supply is a high priority for the 2018 session, there is something of equal or greater importance than money… OUR children…the ones that survive the womb this time which brings me to my second point…

2. Stop funding Planned Parenthood’s access to our schools.

A relatively small amount of money going to Planned Parenthood of the Heartland is through a contract with the state allowing the access, described in this article, to our kids through sex education: 

The abortion behemoth has been pushing its “Get Real” sex ed curriculum across the country. But the only thing that’s “real” about Planned Parenthood’s sex ed curriculum is the potential profit margins possible for the billion-dollar enterprise wherever the curriculum is introduced. The curriculum boasts little to no evidence of its efficacy and is rife with troublesome and downright disturbing content. And it’s everywhere.

These have been annual contracts (some may have changed recently to bi-annual) that have been renewed automatically by what I am told has been a “gentlemen’s agreement” handshake deal!

Conclusion: Principles matter more than party.

I’ll let that sink in for a moment…while you’re thinking about that, remember that we’ve had a Republican and (allegedly) pro-life administration overseeing these contracts and their renewals for the last seven years! And don’t let them tell you they didn’t know about them; I know for a fact they have been brought to their attention numerous times for at least the last four years. Folks, we must hold our elected representatives accountable! Their most legitimate job is to protect our inalienable rights, and we have to ensure they are doing that or replace them, regardless of party!

Above rant brought to you by the Bringing America Back to Life IOWA Prayer for Life at the Capital on January 11th, 2018. Please stay tuned for details soon!

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