This article is the last one I’m writing until next year!

Seriously, at the end of the year, I have always enjoyed looking at our website stats (I’m a nerd) and discovering what articles had the most traction. The stories below are the Top 10 articles written in 2017 at Caffeinated Thoughts.

10. Serving in the Military Is Not a Right by Shane Vander Hart
9. The Des Moines Register Push Polls Anti-Homeschooling Narrative by Shane Vander Hart
8. Robert Jeffress’ Misuse of Romans 13 Applied to North Korea by Shane Vander Hart
7. KLM Gay Pride Meme Unintentionally Points Out The Obvious by Shane Vander Hart
6. Ben Sasse Addresses The Gospel Coalition by Shane Vander Hart
5. What the Largest Gun Bill Passed in Iowa History Does by Shane Vander Hart
4. I Voted For Collective Bargaining Reform to Save Iowa’s Schools by Ken Rizer
3. McCoy Mocks Chapman’s Mormon Faith During Iowa Senate Floor Debate by Shane Vander Hart
2. This Is Not How You Debunk Roy Moore’s Alleged Yearbook Signature by Shane Vander Hart
1. Ted Cruz: The First Amendment is not about opinions you agree with by Shane Vander Hart

There were one story written in December that should be mentioned because they garnered a lot of attention early in 2017 and would have made our top 10 had it been written later.

Thank you so much for reading throughout the year. 2017 was a bitter sweet year due to ending our radio show, but I’m enjoying doing our new podcast (I hope you enjoy listening). I look forward to what 2018 will bring.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

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