Another year has come and gone. Throughout Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District the Christmas spirit is in the air. I can see it and feel it when I visit small towns, farms, businesses, factories, schools, and clinics in every county in the Third District.
Iowans are sending each other holiday wishes, prayers, and goodwill and each Christmas we are reminded of the most important things in our lives: faith, family, and freedom.
The holidays and Christmas season bring together families from all corners of Iowa and the nation to come together for worship, fellowship, and celebration.
The Christmas season is one of my favorite times of the year. I enjoy spending time with family, worshiping and continuing family traditions set aged ago. We give thanks for God’s blessings, His promise of love and forgiveness, and our families and friends. Folks in Iowa’s Third District have blessed me with the opportunity to serve them in Congress.
Across the District I see folks giving their time, money, and talents to others. When I walk into shops and hear the ringing bells from the volunteers collecting donations, I thank them for their mission. When I see a church sponsoring a food drive to help fill a local food pantry so those who need help can have a holiday meal, we are all inspired.
The freedoms we are afforded in this great country are protected by our brave women and men in uniform and who stepped up and are willing to put their lives on the line for all of us. Without their sacrifice, we wouldn’t be able to be with our families and friends as we do now.
Whatever your traditions or beliefs may be, it is my hope you spend time or connect with those you love and cherish, even if it’s from afar. I know Christmas and holidays can be difficult for some. None of us are perfect and immune to spiritual trials or relationship struggles with others. But it is my prayer with humility we can find peace and love we all desire and deserve this Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.