On the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, we are talking about the effort to reach unreached people groups with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In order to do that, our host, Shane Vander Hart, had a conversation with Ruth Kramer, the executive producer for Mission Network News.

Kramer discussed what her organization does, what trends she has seen covering news from the missions field, and the efforts to mobilize the body of Christ to reach the unreached.

Kramer’s organization is part of the Alliance for the Unreached that promotes the International Day of the Unreached planned for Pentecost Sunday, May 20, 2018.

The Alliance also includes organizations like Missio Nexus, Bibles For The World, Reach Beyond, Operation Mobilization, Partners International, InChrist CommunicationsWorld Mission and ZimZam Global. They are calling on calling on churches, ministry organizations, radio and television stations and individual believers to be the voice of advocacy for people who have yet to hear the gospel.

Watch their promo video below:

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