Iowa House Chamber
Photo Credit: Jason Mrachina via Flickr (CC-By-NC-ND 2.0)

State Representative Bruce Hunter (D-Des Moines) spoke for a little over eight minutes in support for his “Voters’ Bill of Rights” amendment to HJR 2009, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms constitutional amendment (that passed 54 to 42). At the end of his remarks, he noticed that State Representative Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley) indicated his time was up. Hunter responded, “I see that Rep Senate (sic) Windschitl’s light’s on, and I know the penchant for the minority party to take away rights from voters instead of protecting them.”

Democrats are the minority party. He quickly corrected himself to say “majority party,” but I think he had it right the first time.

Before State Representative Hunter hurls insults at Iowa House Republicans it would be wise for him to 1. remember what chamber he is in, and 2. remember what party he is in.

It’s unfortunate that State Representative Hunter is not one of the legislators who decided to retire in 2018.

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