On Tuesday, Natural Journey Alliance, a non-profit operational management group, announced a strategic partnership with three Iowa Pro-life organizations to provide advanced workflow capabilities. According to the announcement the organizations: Iowa Right to Life, Iowans for LIFE, and Restored by Grace Ministries, will collaborate to focus on mission productivity while reducing overhead costs. They said this will improve efficiency, streamline operations and allow significantly more donations to go strictly to the mission.
“The partnership is a strong strategic fit, leveraging the three leading pro-life organizations’ respective strengths, across three main areas,” Justin Doyle, chairman of Natural Journey Alliance said in released statement.
“First, Iowa Right to Life, known for its extensive work at the Iowa State Capitol on all matters legislative, will continue to act in that capacity. They also work to educate and inform the public on pro-life issues,” Doyle said. “Second, Iowans for LIFE has been a leader in education on life issues in Iowa and will continue to grow its educational efforts across the state. Finally, Restored by Grace, an organization working with post-abortive families to find peace and forgiveness, so they can move forward with their lives, will be a cornerstone of the new partnership.”
“The Unification of operations between the first three organizations has shown us how far and fast we can move the ball down the field when we work together,” Doyle added.
“By partnering with Natural Journey Alliance, and other pro-life organizations, we can improve workflow and cut our duplicated efforts. This will enable all parties to be more efficient, reduce costs and help save lives from fertilization to natural death,” Maggie DeWitte, Executive Director of Iowans for LIFE, said.
DeWitte said Iowans for LIFE hopes this partnership will allow them to develop educational materials and school curriculum that will move youth away from accepting the culture of deaths that is so prevalent in the schools today.
About Natural Journey Alliance
Natural Journey Alliance is an Operations Management company designed to assist pro-life Nonprofit organizations. Our mission specifically involves the analysis, and design of operational processes to improve the systems and programs of the organizations we serve. We help to deliver savings in overhead and services and ultimately increase outputs and outcomes.
About Iowans for Life
Their mission is to educate Iowans on the sanctity of human life from fertilization to natural death. We are dedicated to protecting human life by informing, educating, and inspiring society to value life. IFL educates on vital life issues so that hearts and minds may sort through the lies and arrive at the truth. IFL reveals the facts, figures and humanity of: abortion, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, embryonic stem-cell research, contraception, theology of the body, and Natural Family Planning.
About Iowa Right to Life
Their mission is to advocate in our laws and educational efforts that all human life, born and unborn, at all stages of biological development from fertilization to natural death should be protected. We join with each other in this common objective in the shared belief that every human life has inherent value and is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect without regard to age, health, sex, mental or physical limitations, condition of dependency, circumstances of birth or economic situations.
About Restored by Grace Ministries
The mission of Restored by Grace Ministries is to bring hope, healing and restoration to post-abortive men, women, and families through a journey from brokenness to wholeness by confronting the lies of guilt, shame, condemnation, and other bondages with God’s word and love. Restored By Grace Ministries vision is to create an army of “wounded warriors” across Iowa who will become champions for the sanctity of Life from Natural Conception to Natural Death.