Photo credit: Tom Arthur (CC-By-SA 2.0)


Photo credit: Tom Arthur (CC-By-SA 2.0)

(Des Moines, IA) Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate reminds Iowans that the absentee balloting period for the June 5 primary is now underway. Voters can request an absentee ballot through their county auditor’s office. They can also vote in-person at the county auditor’s office.

Absentee ballot request forms are available at This is the first primary election in which Voter ID requirements are included on absentee ballots. Voters must include their driver’s license or non-operator’s ID number on the absentee ballot request. If a voter does not have one of those forms of identification, they should place their Voter ID PIN card number on the request form.

“You never know what could happen on Election Day, and that’s why I always encourage Iowans to cast their ballot early,” Secretary Pate said. “Voting ahead of June 5 is the easiest way to make sure your voice is heard.”

Iowa is one of the easiest states to register to vote and to cast your ballot. We are one of the few states that offers both online and Election Day registration. Iowa’s absentee voting period remains among the longest in the nation.

The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is May 25. Absentee ballots received in the county auditor’s office by the time the polls close on Election Day are eligible for counting. Absentee ballots received after the polls close on Election Day must be postmarked by Monday, June 4 and received in the county auditor’s office no later than noon on Monday, June 11.

A short video detailing the absentee balloting process is available on Secretary Pate’s YouTube channel. The video was produced by Iowa City Channel 4 with assistance from the Johnson County Auditor’s office and information provided by the Iowa Secretary of State’s Office.

Watch the video here or below:

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