Jim Mowrer, a twice-failed Congressional Democratic candidate, is running for Iowa Secretary of State. In 2016 he launched a new PAC, The Majority Rules, that focuses on getting states to adopt a compact that would circumvent the Electoral College by encouraging states to pass laws that would allocate electors based on the National Popular Vote.

A horrible, rotten idea and the fact he supports it should eliminate him from consideration as it would diminish Iowa’s influence in the presidential election cycle. This is also evidence that he lacks basic knowledge of civics.

Mowrer, who wants to be the state’s chief election officer, also lacks knowledge about Iowa’s campaign finance law.

The Majority Rules PAC, of which he apparently is still the treasurer of, endorsed his candidacy. So essentially he endorsed himself. The Iowa GOP captured a screenshot of an email sent by the PAC back in April.

The PAC’s endorsement of Mowrer is beyond sad and pathetic it’s also illegal.

Iowa Code 68A.303(5) says, “A candidate for statewide or legislative office shall not establish, direct, or maintain a political committee.”

He established it, and his name is still on the PAC’s filings.

Yesterday, the Republican Party of Iowa filed a formal complaint with the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board. The complaint, filed by the Iowa GOP treasurer Bill Gustoff who is an attorney, reads:

Iowa Code section 68A.303(5) states in pertinent part: “A candidate for statewide or legislative office shall not establish, direct, or maintain a political committee.”

Jim Mowrer is a candidate for “statewide office” as evidenced by Statement of Organization filed in August of 2017 with the IECBD for the office of Secretary of State.

The Majority Rules is a federal PAC registered with the FEC as evidenced by the State of Organization filed on November 21, 2016.

Jim Mowrer is listed as the “Treasurer” of the PAC and the PAC makes expenditures to “JDM Consulting” a company listed as the same mailing address as Jim Mowrer. The PAC also reported making a $1,500 campaign contribution to “Jim Mowrer for Iowa” on January 2, 2018. This information is found on campaign disclosure reports filed by The Majority Rules (Committee ID: C00629063).

Apart from the unseemly situation of a Treasurer of a PAC making expenditures to his own consulting company as well as his own campaign committee for public office, it is clear that Jim Mowrer has “established, directed, or maintained a political committee” in violation of Iowa Code section 68A.303(5).

As such, IECDB should fully investigate this matter, and if a violation is found, impose all appropriate sanctions and penalties on Jim Mowrer.

Yes, they should.

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