President Donald Trump on Tuesday afternoon signed a presidential memorandum ceasing U.S. participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran and ordered sanctions to be reinstated against the Islamic regime that is one of the primary state sponsors of terror.

“Today, we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie.  Last week, Israel published intelligence documents long concealed by Iran, conclusively showing the Iranian regime and its history of pursuing nuclear weapons,” Trump remarked prior to signing the presidential memorandum. “The fact is this was a horrible, one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made.  It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace, and it never will.”

Trump said that even if Iran complied with the terms of the deal they would be on the verge of a nuclear breakout. He said the sunset provisions were unacceptable, the inspection provisions were inadequate, and the deal would fail to halt the development of Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the development of ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear warhead. Trump noted the deal would do nothing to constrain the nation’s destabilizing activities including their sponsorship of terrorist groups.

“The Iran deal is defective at its core.  If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen.  In just a short period of time, the world’s leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapons,” Trump explained.

Trump also warned, “Any nation that helps Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the United States.”

“America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail.  We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction.  And we will not allow a regime that chants “Death to America” to gain access to the most deadly weapons on Earth,” he said.

Trump said that the United States no longer makes empty threats.

“As we exit the Iran deal, we will be working with our allies to find a real, comprehensive, and lasting solution to the Iranian nuclear threat.  This will include efforts to eliminate the threat of Iran’s ballistic missile program; to stop its terrorist activities worldwide, and to block its menacing activity across the Middle East.  In the meantime, powerful sanctions will go into full effect.  If the regime continues its nuclear aspirations, it will have bigger problems than it has ever had before,” Trump stated.

Trump said he was willing to negotiate a new deal, but did not hold out much hope that Iran would be willing to do that.

“Iran’s leaders will naturally say that they refuse to negotiate a new deal; they refuse.  And that’s fine.  I’d probably say the same thing if I was in their position.  But the fact is they are going to want to make a new and lasting deal, one that benefits all of Iran and the Iranian people.  When they do, I am ready, willing, and able,” Trump stated.

Watch his full remarks below:

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) praised President Trump’s actions.

“I have stated time and time again that the loophole-ridden JCPOA did not go far enough in its efforts to permanently dismantle Iran’s nuclear program. The agreement, negotiated by then-President Obama, lacks basic oversight and enforcement, and allows a dishonest Iran to continue its destabilizing activity and potentially restart its nuclear weapons program at the sunset of the JCPOA,” she said.

“Iran continues to pose a serious threat, not only on the global stage as they are allowed to advance their unfettered ballistic missile capacities, but also in the Middle East. We know that Iran continues to support and finance terrorist organization proxies that destabilize the region, endangering American servicemembers and our partners.

“I am encouraged by the President’s decision to withdraw from the JCPOA today, and have full confidence that the President and Secretary Pompeo will work with Congress to develop a comprehensive strategy that permanently addresses the threat that a nuclear-capable Iran poses to U.S. and international security,” Ernst added.

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he supports Trump’s decision.

“From the beginning, I’ve said the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration was an example of leading from behind on foreign policy. When negotiations began, the United States was in a position of strength because sanctions were hurting Iran. But President Obama, in his desire to get a deal, weakened America’s position by agreeing to one-sided concessions in return for worthless commitments from a deceitful and repressive regime. We now know Iran was driving full speed ahead in developing nuclear weapons. By pulling the U.S. out of this badly negotiated deal, President Trump is putting America back in a position of strength and showing the kind of global leadership the country needs as it approaches challenges, not only from Iran, but also from nations like North Korea, Russia and China,” Grassley said.

Congressman David Young (R-Iowa) also issued a statement of support.

“I support this decision to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal. It didn’t stop Iran from continuing to destabilize the region through their support of terrorism, failed to address Iran’s ballistic missile program, and the sunsetting provisions wouldn’t stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Iran continues to destabilize the region through their support of the Assad regime in Syria and support for terror networks like Hezbollah and Hamas, and it is time we hold them accountable. The House passed multiple bills to confront Iran’s ballistic missile program and its support of terrorism and I’m pleased the administration is reinstating the sanctions waived under the Iran Nuclear Deal,” Young stated.

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) reminded Americans that executive actions can easily be undone since the Iran Deal was never ratified by the Senate.

“The Iran deal has always been terrible. Today is a reminder that if you live by the Presidency, you die by the Presidency. We ought to be clear about this: Donald Trump isn’t ripping up a treaty; he’s walking away from Barack Obama’s personal pledge. Two and a half years ago, President Obama made a bad deal with Iran without support from Congress, and today President Trump is pulling out of President Obama’s personal commitment, and he doesn’t need Congress’s support to do so. American foreign policy makes lasting progress when it is led by the President, approved by Congress, and presented honestly to the American people,” Sasse said in a released statement.

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