On Wednesday, Governor Kim Reynolds’ campaign released their second TV ad for the 2018 Iowa Gubernatorial Race entitled “Longer.” The 30-second ad air on TV and digital platforms this week. The ad focuses on Reynolds’ balance of work, family, and getting her college degree from Iowa State while serving as Iowa’s Lt. Governor.

“We are helping Iowans young and old find the skills they need for a good-paying job. I am so proud of the work we did this legislative session and what we are going to continue to do going forward,” Reynolds said. “My story is reflective of the opportunities that exist in our state, and it’s why I am focused on unleashing opportunity for Iowans in all corners of the state.”

“Governor Reynolds’ story is one of inspiration and relentlessness, which we will continue to highlight on the campaign trail,” Hooff Cooksey, Reynolds’ campaign manager, said. “Her experience and accomplishments are second to none. The campaign looks forward to highlighting these important contrasts.”

Voters can check out Reynolds’ ad and view stories similar to hers at a new website the campaign launched called The Iowa Story.

Watch the ad below:

Read the transcript below:

Getting my Degree took a little longer than planned… ok a lot longer.

I’m Kim Reynolds and even though life got in the way… I never gave up

Kids, work, night classes. It was a lot to juggle, but 40 years later… I did it.

Education matters, so we’re making it easier than ever before to get the skills that you need for a good paying job.

Because no matter your past, in Iowa, if you work hard, you’ll have a future.

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