American Principles Project launched a “Nominate Amy Barrett” petition after announcing they were, along with the American Family Association and Judicial Action Group, endorsing Judge Amy Barrett for the Supreme Court.

The Associated Press reported that Barrett was one of President Donald Trump’s finalists, and he is, reportedly, announcing the nominee on July 9th. American Principles Project wants to collect signatures to send to the White House prior to that.

The organization was blocked from sending out tweets using the URL: with scheduled tweets on Buffer and when they tried to tweet directly on Twitter.

The message on Twitter said, “This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can’t complete this request now. Please try again later.”

At this time it appears to be a technical glitch rather than Twitter blocking it because of the content.

Twitter also prevented me from tweeting the link from my account as well, so this problem is not just limited to American Principles Project’s Twitter account.

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