U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh

The Iowa Senate Republican caucus released an open letter Thursday afternoon urging the U.S. Senate to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Read it below:

Senate Republicans support confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh for United States Supreme Court

During our work in the Iowa Senate, we consistently focus on laws that will expand and protect freedom for the people of Iowa. We spend a lot of time working on the language and the policy, making sure we get it just right, as do lawmakers all across the United States. When laws are challenged in our country, they can make their way as high as the Supreme Court. In those instances, the judges who preside over these cases determine the constitutionality of the laws passed by the people’s elected representatives. This role is why Supreme Court justices are so important and why we are supporting President Trump’s nominee to the United States Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.

We firmly believe the role of a judge in our government is to interpret the law as it is written. Judge Kavanaugh has a long record of doing just that and interpreting the Constitution as it was originally intended. He is supremely qualified for this appointment, dedicating most of his life to public service. He has served for over a decade as a federal judge and spent a number of years as Associate Independent Counsel, Associate White House Counsel, and Staff Secretary to President George W. Bush. He has over 300 published opinions, often cited by judges across the country and even supported by the Supreme Court.

In 1990 Judge Kavanaugh graduated from Yale Law School. Later he would become a law clerk to Justice Kennedy, serve as a Bristow Fellow in the Office of the Solicitor General at the U.S. Department of Justice and become a Samuel Williston Lecturer in Law at Harvard Law School.

Judge Kavanaugh has spent many years working to improve the lives of others and working to protect the rights of private citizens, while strictly interpreting the laws and our Constitution as they were written. He will be an advocate for freedom for the people of the United States and an outstanding addition to the Supreme Court.


Senator Brad Zaun, Senate Judiciary Chairman
Senator Dan Dawson, Senate Judiciary Vice Chair
Senator Jack Whitver, Senate Majority Leader
Senator Charles Schneider, Senate President
Senator Jerry Behn
Senator Rick Bertrand
Senator Michael Breitbach
Senator Waylon Brown
Senator Jim Carlin
Senator Jake Chapman
Senator Mark Chelgren
Senator Mark Costello
Senator Jeff Edler
Senator Randy Feenstra
Senator Julian Garrett
Senator Tom Greene
Senator Dennis Guth
Senator Craig Johnson
Senator Tim Kapucian
Senator Tim Kraayenbrink
Senator Mark Lofgren
Senator Ken Rozenboom
Senator Jason Schultz
Senator Mark Segebart
Senator Tom Shipley
Senator Amy Sinclair
Senator Roby Smith
Senator Annette Sweeney
Senator Dan Zumbach

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