Last night, a Kavanaugh protest group tweeted a video of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and his wife Heidi, chased out of a D.C. restaurant by protestors.

Smash Racism DC tweeted: 

BREAKING. Activists just chased @TedCruz out of a fancy Washington DC restaurant, chanting “We Believe Survivors!”

Cruz has been friends with creep Kavanaugh for 20 years.

Now Cruz is on judiciary committee hearing his testimony. Fascists not welcome!


Watch below:

The group that identifies itself as Antifa also tweeted the following:

Cruz is not the only person to experience this treatment, recently Secretary of Homeland Security Kristjen Nielsen was also driven from a restaurant.

This conduct by Antifa is dangerous. It is unhinged, and it needs to stop. Somebody is going to get hurt or worse. 

We have the constitutional right to petition our government for a redress of grievances. We have the right to peaceably assemble.

There was nothing peaceful about this group’s treatment of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz has the right to have dinner with his wife and to spend as much of his own money on dinner as he likes. 

The Constitution does not grant the right to harass government officials because you disagree with them.

And this so far has been a unique problem with the left. I don’t know of any Democrat politician or personality treated this way by conservatives. If I hear of it, I’ll condemn it. The left needs to police their own, but unfortunately, groups like these have been given a pass by Democrat politicians and the media. That needs to stop.

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