Congressman Rod Blum (R-Iowa) two ads in his bid for a third term representing Iowa’s 1st Congressional District.
The latest ad released on Tuesday highlights one of his constituents, Jake Hesselman, who requested Blum’s assistance earlier this year.
Hesselman’s friends organized a private fundraiser to purchase a modified van so he could not only be independent but drive himself to a full-time job. The Social Security Administration (SSA), who Jake relied on for disability income was quick to penalize Jake for the money donors gave to the cause and claimed a $15,000 debt due to the private fundraising efforts.
Terrified, Hesselman contacted Blum’s office. Blum appealed to the SSA and said that their interpretation of the funds raised for Hesselman was incorrect, and Hesselman’s effort to be independent and have a full-time job should be celebrated, not penalized. After Blum’s intervention, the SSA sent Hesselman a letter stating they canceled the debt.
“Jake is a full-time teacher and wrestling coach today, but he’s much more than that to those who know him. He’s a hero and inspiration to me and I am honored to call him a friend and fellow Iowan,” Blum said.
Watch the ad below:
The Blum campaign released the first TV ad last Thursday highlighting his ability to work with his colleagues in Congress on behalf of his
Watch it below: