The re-election campaign for Congressman Rod Blum (R-Iowa) released its fifth TV ad in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District race. Blum is running for his third term against his Democratic challenger, State Representative Abby Finkenauer (D-Dubuque). 

Blum’s ad, entitled “Drain the Swamp” focuses on his efforts to bring reforms to Washington, DC.


“I told voters I would be an independent voice for Northeast Iowa and work to drain the inefficiency, waste, and abuse in Washington, D.C. I founded the bipartisan Congressional Term Limits Caucus in the House with my colleague Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), introduced bills to eliminate taxpayer-funded first class flights, eliminate luxury car leases paid by tax dollars, cut the pay of Members of Congress each year the federal budget is not balanced, and a bill to prohibit Members of Congress from becoming lobbyists after they serve in Congress. I’ve cosponsored bills to end the taxpayer-funded pensions for Members, enact term limits, and prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars to pay out claims of sexual harassment against Members. I have worked hand in hand with Senator Grassley to pass two bills to protect our whistleblowers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse within the federal government and was one of the few Republicans to support a Supreme Court Amicus Brief to end partisan gerrymandering in the United States,” Blum said in a released statement.

“With over 30 years of experience in the private sector, I am not in Congress to start a career, and I believe the mentality of those who enter into public service to benefit their career, rather than to serve their district, is precisely why we have so many of these taxpayer-funded perks for Members today. I am running for re-election to continue my efforts to drain the swamp, even if that means voting against my party– and I have demonstrated this multiple times. I have kept my promises to the voters and will always do so,” he added.

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