Susan B. Anthony List called on Facebook to stop its censorship of pro-life paid advertisements leading up the midterm elections. The group’s “Charlotte” and “Micah” videos tell the story of children born prematurely who were given lifesaving care, and both babies were born at gestational ages when abortion is permissible.

Watch their Charlotte video below:

Watch their “Micah” ad below:

“Facebook must immediately stop its shameful censorship of the pro-life movement,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List, said. “Charlotte Ryun and Micah Pickering survived their premature births. That’s factual. It’s also factual that pro-abortion politicians across this country support painful late-term abortions, even after 20 weeks, more than halfway through pregnancy. Facebook is censoring the truth and political free speech. It is a direct contradiction of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s public pledge that she would not censor pro-life free speech, even if she disagreed with it. The clock is ticking to Election Day, and Facebook is stifling our ability to get our message out about politicians who support brutal late-term abortions.”

Here is the timeline of Facebook’s censorship:

  • 10/9 – SBA List begins running 30-second Micah ad on Facebook
  • 10/10 – SBA List begins running 30-second Charlotte ad on Facebook
  • 10/12 – Facebook disapproves the Charlotte ad (stops ad campaign from running)
  • 10/12 – SBA List appeals Facebook decision – they approve and reinstate the ad later that day
  • 10/24 – Facebook disapproves Micah ad, SBA List appeals decision 
  • 10/25 – Facebook reinstates Micah ad 
  • 10/25 – Facebook disapproves Charlotte ad a second time
  • 10/25 – SBA List appeals again

Facebook is not the only platform censoring pro-life groups. Twitter also censors paid advertisments by pro-life groups like Live Action.

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