U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) endorses Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) in a video released in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District race.

Read the transcript:

Iowa needs Steve King in Congress. I also need Steve King in Congress. 
I feel like I do a good job of representing Iowans. And so often, I have found Steve King to be such an ally, an ally that I need in the other body called the House of Representatives. 
He has worked with so many things that are important to Iowa: Agricultural Issues, the farm bill, alternative energy, things that are very important, like wind energy, particularly, oh and ethanol and biodiesel as well.  Without his help in the House of Representatives, Iowa would not be the #1 ethanol state in the nation. And Steve King’s district is stronger in ethanol than any other congressional district in our entire country. 
But also, I don’t want you to forgot that he is Very Pro-Life, he’s fought for a strong military, and for those things that are very important to Iowa, for the working people of Iowa. Like he was for the tax-cut or he promoted small business tax cuts the first time small business had any recognition in the tax code. And, all of these things are important to Iowans.
And Iowans need him, because his first concern is representing Iowans.

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