When we watch cable news or listen to talk radio, we hear a lot of talking heads – pundits and politicians – calling each other names, attacking people, and working to stoke an emotional reaction from those listening at home. As I travel across the Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District, Iowans share how they are upset with the level of toxicity in our political discourse.

I love to see Iowans who are passionate about their beliefs and who work tirelessly to advocate for those beliefs – it’s what our country was founded upon. However, we need to make sure we practice and advocate for civility. 

We must always respect each other and treat everyone with the dignity they deserve. We all want everyone to be able to succeed and live happy and healthy lives. We may disagree with how to do that, but we must always remember we are one people. We are one country. We must be the United States – and not the divided states.

When I am discussing policy, I seek to do so with respect and engage those who disagree so we can have a productive conversation. Those in Congress who don’t treat others with respect aren’t invited to the table of solutions. When they are ostracized, the more than 700,000 people they represent lose their voice.

I have never let the people of Iowa’s Third District be ostracized and always ensured your voices were heard and values represented as we worked to deliver solutions to the issues Iowans are facing. 

The best way to make sure Congress delivers good policy is to work with someone on the other side of the aisle. When I introduce a bill or an amendment, the first thing I do is look for a Democrat colleague. We are able to work together, find common ground, and honorable compromise – just like we do at work and in our communities every day. Remember, this country was founded on compromise. Our Constitution is a document that was created when people of differing ideologies came together to find a common solution.  

We can compromise and not give up our morals and principles and values. It just may mean we may not get everything we want all the time. No bill is perfect but we can make it better by working in a bipartisan way. The vast majority of what is done in Congress is bipartisan but you don’t hear about it because it’s not controversial.

We can deliver solutions when we act in a civil and respectful way which is why I have always been committed to working with everyone and anyone who wants to solve the problems Iowans are facing.

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