Matthew Whitaker is an outstanding choice for acting Attorney General. His time serving at the Department of Justice was highlighted by his dedication to expediting the settlements of key Supreme Court cases, including Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and the State of California v. Little Sisters of the Poor. These two cases were deeply important to the hundreds of thousands of members of Concerned Women for America.

Whitaker is known for being tough on crime and is described as “a lawyer’s lawyer.” This is exactly what the Department of Justice needs. There is a whole host of bipartisan issues that must be tackled by Congress and, with a split House and Senate, now is the perfect time to confront those issues.

Concerned Women for America has repeatedly called on the DOJ to address the rape kit backlog. I had the honor of testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee this past summer, urging the reauthorization of the Debbie Smith Act with a focus on processing rape kits. The DOJ, especially, should care for victims of rape and sexual assault. CWA asks that Whitaker make good use of his time in this important position.

Photo Credit: Dave Davidson (

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