Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was elected Speaker of the House once again, a role she held from 2007 to 2011. Her election was uncertain for several weeks and had to compromise with several members in her caucus that she would only stay in the role for four years.
Upon taking the gavel from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (D-CA) she was joined by her grandchildren and children of other members of Congress who were present. After taking the oath of office she gaveled Congress into order saying, “I now call the House to order on behalf of all of America’s children. Go, kids! Go, kids! Go, kids!”
All of America’s kids?
“Go kids!” unless you happen to be unborn. Pelosi certainly did not gavel the House into order for them. Instead, she will preside over a bill to end the partial government shutdown that seeks to reinstate taxpayer funding for abortion overseas. Her caucus has a growing number of members who aim to eliminate the Hyde Amendment that prevents taxpayer funding for abortion at home.
Yes, real kid friendly.