DES MOINES, Iowa – Democrat Congresswoman Cindy Axne of Iowa introduced an ethics reform package on Wednesday entitled the Clean Up Congress Act.

“Today, I introduced an ethics reform package to restore public trust in Congress and ensure that elected officials in Washington are working for their constituents, not for special interests,” Axne tweeted on Wednesday afternoon.

She introduced her bill after House Democrats plan to advance a bill that strips language preventing members from receiving a cost-of-living raise. Without that bill members would, in effect, receive a $4500 pay raise after a decade without a cost-of-living increase.

Axne said her bill would do three things:

  1. Prevent pay raises for members of Congress until they reduce the deficit to zero.
  2. Prevent members from using taxpayer funds for first-class flights.
  3. A lifetime ban on members becoming paid lobbyists.

“I ran for office because I was fed up with corporations and special interests running the show. I promised Iowans that I would be a voice for everyday people in Washington and hold government accountable. Iowans would be appalled to see the level of waste, fraud and abuse I’ve seen in my first five months in office. Iowans deserve better from Washington politicians – and that starts with cleaning up Congress.” Axne said. “I’m introducing legislation to restore public trust in Congress and ensure elected officials are working for their constituents, not for special interests.”

Last week, U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, agreed to work together on a bill that would also implement a lifetime ban on members of Congress lobbying.

This bill could receive bipartisan support.

Read the bill below:

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