DES MOINES, Iowa- Gov. Kim Reynolds announced on Monday that the state of Iowa will end Fiscal Year 2019 with a surplus of $289 Million in the state’s general fund.

“Iowa’s fiscal health is strong, and it’s a reflection of a vibrant economy as well as our ability to live within our means,” Reynolds said in a released statement.

“This year, we invested in important priorities like education, Future Ready Iowa, and health care so that we can be innovative, grow our workforce, and protect vulnerable Iowans. Going forward, we will continue to invest in Iowans’ priorities, but we also must be mindful of the economic headwinds in our agricultural economy and be prepared for whatever the future might hold. Fiscal responsibility and maintaining our state’s fiscal health will remain a top priority for my administration,” she added.

Fiscal Year 2019 closed on June 30, but the accrual period officially ends on September 30. During this time, Iowa closes the books and pays out and receives outstanding obligations. Last year’s budget surplus was $127 million dollars. 

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