“IF…”(from 2 Chronicles 7:14) is the theme for See You at the Pole 2019, which is all about students praying at their schools. The event is planned for Wednesday, September 25, at schools around the world. 

The event is more than just one day of prayer. With diverse schedules at participating schools, students are being challenged to find new and unique ways, places, and times to pray throughout the Global Week of Student Prayer—September 22-28. 

Then on Wednesday, September 25th at 7:00 a.m. local time, if possible, students are encouraged to gather at a school flagpole to pray at See You at the Pole. This means that, all around the world in every time zone, for 24 hours, students will be praying for their school, friends, families, churches, and communities.

This is the 29th anniversary for See You at the Pole, a student-initiated and student-led event that started in Burleson, Texas, in 1990. SYATP brings students together to intercede for their leaders, schools, and families, asking God to bring moral and spiritual awakening to their campuses and countries.

Everything students need to do a successful SYATP is available free at syatp.com. For the Facebook page, go to “myseeyouatthepole”. Promotional resources can be ordered online or by calling (817) HIS-PLAN (817-447-7526) between 9-5 (Central Time), Monday-Friday. Brochures, a promotional DVD, and posters are some of the materials available for 2019. 

The San Diego-based National Network of Youth Ministries coordinates SYATP promotion. Doug Clark, national field director of the Network, noted: “See You at the Pole is a ‘moment.’ We hope adults and students will consider turning that moment into a movement by praying every day.”

Churches can show support for schools by sponsoring a Pray for Schools Sunday” emphasis in their worship services September 14-15. Participants can recognize and pray for Christian students, educators and schools in their congregations. For resources, please go to PrayForSchools.com

SYATP is partnering with Claim Your Campus to encourage students to daily prayer at their schools. Resources and training for both ministries are available on a shared mobile app, “Campus Prayer.” CYC currently supports students praying daily on 1,000 US schools. 

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