I’m getting tired of the game that the media plays. President Donald Trump says something crazy or controversial so the media does the rounds to get Republicans on the record to condemn the President or defend him.

You rarely, I don’t want to say never, but rarely see the media do anything similar when “the Squad” says something crazy or controversial. You certainly did not see the media regularly go track down Democrat elected officials in battleground states for comment when President Barack Obama said or did something that Republicans believed was controversial.

Yet, here we have CNN tracking down U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, on Tuesday who is running for re-election in a 2020 battleground state because she gave what was an “unsatisfactory” answer during a town hall last week.

I wonder what liberal outlet, activist, or tracker gave them that tip?

Anyway, I don’t have to guess at CNN’s motive because Anderson Cooper explained that is why they sought her out.

Watch the video below:

First, watching the clip I think Ernst was responding to the whistleblower complaint and the other reports of the Trump Administration asking assistance from additional countries to investigate the Bidens, not what President Donald Trump said to the press. If that’s the case there was nothing inappropriate or incomplete about her answer.

Second, if the question is about Trump’s public request of China to investigate when talking to reporters, I tend to agree with U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who last week said, “I don’t think it was a real request.”


I know the left doesn’t like that kind of response, but the fact is this: President Trump says a lot of things and a lot of those things never become an official policy or officially acted on. Should he run his mouth? No. I’d prefer that he shut up and stop tweeting, but to ask Republican senators to comment on everything he says is nonsense.

If it was an official and serious request, then that will come up in any investigation done and the Senate can handle it if and when it comes to them.

Senators don’t need to telegraph how they will handle the impeachment inquiry if it leads to President Trump being impeached.

Speaking of which, I don’t see the media wondering why the House has not officially voted on an impeachment inquiry like they for President Bill Clinton and President Richard Nixon.

No, instead, they seek out Ernst and then ask the same question not once, but three times to badger her into a different answer.

They no this is a no-win situation for her. If she answers “yes.” She’ll get blowback. If she answers “no,” she’ll get blowback. If she wants to wait for an investigation to be completed she, as we have seen, gets blowback.

Ernst has gone on the record opposing or disagreeing with things President Trump has said in the past. Considering impeachment prior to an upcoming presidential election is at stake she, understandably, wants to choose her words carefully.

What CNN did is not journalism, it is opposition research tracking. CNN should stop doing the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s work for them. This is just an admitted attempt to interject themselves into what could be a hotly contested U.S. Senate race in order to make news instead of reporting it.

Shame on them.

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