ellen degeneres
PC: CelebrityABC

Photos from a Dallas Cowboys game this weekend revealed an unlikely pair laughing together: liberal talk show host Ellen DeGeneres and former President George W. Bush (R). In this countryā€™s divided state, it didnā€™t take long for the outrage mob to attack Ellen over friendliness toward someone she disagreed with. 

However, instead of ignoring the outrage or cowering before it, Ellen responded with a simple message that this country desperately needs: ā€œBe kind.ā€ 

She addressed the circulating photos and outraged responses during a segment on her show: 

ā€œ[J]ust because I donā€™t agree with someone on everything doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not going to be friends with them. When I say, ā€˜Be kind to one another,ā€™ I donā€™t mean only the people that think the same way you do. I mean be kind to everyone. Doesnā€™t matter.ā€ 

Well said, Ellen. True diversity, instead of division, occurs when we choose to be kind to people that think differently than us instead of shunning them. Instead of being divided over our differences, we should see them as an opportunity to love others well. 

And yes, that includes even the people who are already listening to Christmas music. Like Ellen said, ā€œSeriously, thereā€™s no excuse for that. But Iā€™m kind to them.ā€ 

Watch the full video here:

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