DES MOINES, Iowa – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate referred nine voters to county attorneys for allegedly voting twice in the 2018 general election. They are suspected of voting in Iowa after casting a ballot for the 2018 general election in another state. There were an additional 27 suspected instances of voters casting ballots in Iowa first, then in another state during the same election.

The information of the alleged crimes was discovered via Iowa’s partnership with multiple states through the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). The coalition shares data in order to improve the accuracy of voter rolls and enhance voter confidence. 

“One fraudulent vote is too many. It nullifies a legally cast vote,” Secretary Pate said. “Iowans take the integrity of our elections very seriously and we will not stand for people trying to cheat the system.”

Four of the alleged instances of double voting where the second vote was cast in Iowa are believed to have taken place in Polk County. There is one suspected incident each in Johnson, Mitchell, Sioux, Story and Warren counties.

The 27 other instances of suspected double voting have been shared with the respective states’ commissioner/board of elections.

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