OTTUMWA, Iowa – State Senator Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-Ottumwa, a Republican candidate in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District, raised nearly $260,000 in the final quarter of 2019, which was her first quarter of fundraising since announcing her candidacy for the seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa.

Miller-Meeks raised $259,945.99 with 86 percent of more than 350 contributions coming from Iowa donors, according to the campaign’s report filed with the Federal Election Commission. The campaign reported expenditures of $45,201.72 between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 and ended the reporting period with $214,744.21 cash on hand.

Contributions included $236,783.20 from individuals, $13,000 from political action committees and $10,162.79 from the candidate. The campaign received donations from former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, more than 20 legislators and five U.S. Representatives. Miller-Meeks’ previous first fundraising report record was $128,806 in the 2014 primary.

 â€œSixty-three percent of the individual donors are first-time contributors to Mariannette, which indicates the tremendous level of interest and excitement for her candidacy and the recognition that she is not just the front-runner, but the only credible candidate in the GOP primary,” campaign manager Austin Harris said. “The fact that 86 percent of her contributions came from in-state is another recognition that she is the most-qualified candidate across the board to represent the values and best interests of the working families, Main Street businesses and farmers in the 2nd District.”

Miller-Meeks, who returned to the Statehouse this week for the new legislative session, expressed her gratitude for the support her candidacy has already received, which also includes endorsements from Gov. Kim Reynolds, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig and a number of legislative colleagues.

“I’m humbled that so many Iowans have stepped up to support this campaign with their hard-earned dollars. Their support is an indication of their commitment to electing a conservative voice and someone who truly understands and personifies Iowa values,” Miller-Meeks said. “I’m looking forward to representing the Republican Party and its principles this year and fighting for Iowans in Congress to create more opportunities and a better quality of life for everyone who lives in the 2nd District.”

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