State Senator Randy Feenstra, R-Hull, released his first ad in the five-way Republican primary race in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District.

The 30-second ad entitled “In Congress, I’ll Deliver,” features his work on Iowa’s heartbeat abortion ban and tax reform. It also highlights his vote in favor of the state’s ban on sanctuary cities and counties. The ad also states that Feenstra supports President Donald Trump’s wall on the southern border and would vote to stop “dangerous border policies.”

The campaign told Caffeinated Thoughts that the ad is a first in a series and is airing on broadcast, cable, and digital platforms.

Watch below:

Feenstra has a significant fundraising advantage in the race that will allow him to hit the airwaves far more frequently than his competition. In 2019, Feenstra raised $721,427 and reported $488,552 cash on hand. The incumbent, U.S. Rep. Steve King of Kiron, raised the second-largest amount in the Republican primary. His campaign reported raising $258,455 and had just $32,010 cash on hand at the end of the year.

Former Irwin Mayor Bret Richards raised $255,888 in 2019, and his campaign reported having $100,080 cash on hand.

Currently, Feenstra is the only candidate in the primary race who has the resources to do a significant amount of advertising. Something that as a challenger to an incumbent with high name cognition, he will need to do.

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