David Young, candidate for Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District for the U.S. House of Representatives, today submitted over 7,600 signatures to Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate to place his name on the June 2nd Republican Primary ballot. 
“I am humbled by the great number of people in this district who signed my petition. This is yet another sign the people of this district want a representative in Washington, D.C. who actually works hard every day and fights for them and this district,” said Young. “I also want to thank all of the volunteers and staff who helped collect each and every one of these signatures. I look forward to working with everyone over the next 239 days to win this election in November and get back to work on the priorities of the people.”

Iowa law requires candidates for Congress to submit a total number of signatures “equal to at least 1% of the votes cast” in that congressional district “for the party’s candidate for governor in the 2018 General Election.” Additionally, a candidate must collect a minimum number of signatures in at least eight counties equal to 2% of the votes for that party’s candidate for governor in the 2018 general election. 

By submitting 7,600 signatures, Young submitted over four times the required number of 1,690 signatures. Furthermore, he met the minimum required number of signatures in all 16 counties in the Third District and submitted over twice the minimum number in 15 of the district’s 16 counties. 

Young was elected to serve Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2014 and reelected in 2016. Prior to his service in Congress, Young served Iowans as U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley’s Chief of Staff from 2006-2013. A graduate of Johnston High School and Drake University, Young is a seventh-generation Iowan and resides in Van Meter.

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