DES MOINES, Iowa ā€“ The U.S. Department of Labor reported between Sunday, April 5, and Saturday, April 11, 46,356 people filed an initial unemployment insurance claim. Of that number, 43,862 initial claims were by individuals who work and live in Iowa, and 2,494 claims by individuals who work in Iowa but live out of state. 

Last week, there were 128,819 continuing unemployment insurance claims.

Since Gov. Kim Reynoldsā€™ initial public health emergency declaration on March 17 that closed businesses considered ā€œnon-essential,ā€ 207,458 initial unemployment claims were filed. Last weekā€™s numbers marked the first decline in initial claims down from 67,334 the previous week. A sign that some businesses can retain some employees with help from the CARES Act, as well as Reynolds not ordering additional businesses closed. 

A total of $37,881,985.37 in unemployment insurance benefits were paid to claimants for the same week, up $10 million from the previous week.

The following industries had the most claims. 

  • Health Care and Social Assistance (6,789)
  • Manufacturing (6,002)
  • Retail Trade (5,813)
  • Accommodation and Food Services (4,292)
  • Industry Not Recognized (9,604)

Under the CARES Act, self-employed Iowans, gig workers, and non-profit employees can now file for unemployment.

Iowans can visit to file their initial and weekly unemployment insurance claim. Employers or claimants with questions can email IWD at Individuals can call at 1-866-239-0843. IWD warns wait times can be lengthy. They state their website contains videos, webinars, FAQs, and other forms of assistance for all of the different types of claims and programs, such as the most updated information on the CARES Act benefits and payments.

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