DES MOINES, Iowa – The U.S. Department of Labor reported between Sunday, March 22, and Saturday, March 28, the number of unemployment claims in Iowa is 58,453. Of that number, 55,963 initial claims were by individuals who work and live in Iowa, and 2,490 claims by individuals who work in Iowa and live out of state. 

Since Gov. Kim Reynolds’ initial public health emergency declaration that closed businesses considered “non-essential,” 96,915 Iowans have filed for unemployment. That number swells to 100,343 when those who work in Iowa and live out-of-state are included. 

A total of $13,724,985.87 of unemployment insurance benefits were paid to claimants who live or work in Iowa for the week ending on March 27. 

Iowa Workforce Development announced the number of continuing weekly unemployment claims is 54,461. 

The following industry breakdown includes all (COVID-19 & non-COVID-19) claimants counts for last week, knowing a majority of them are going to be COVID-19-related.

  • Accommodation and Food Services (12,519)
  • Health Care and Social Assistance (7,490)
  • Manufacturing (7,168)
  • Retail Trade (5,888)
  • Other Services (3,780) 

Iowa Workforce Development continues reports they are processing unemployment insurance claims in a timely fashion. They note they are not yet not authorized to release these payments related to the CARES ACT, and it may be several weeks before those payments are made. They encourage the public to visit their website to file for their initial and weekly unemployment insurance claim, and for the most updated information on the CARES act benefits and payments.

Iowa Workforce Development is receiving an unprecedented level of calls., and waits of more than 15 minutes may occur. They report they are answering almost 80% of these calls, so remain on the line, and they should get to your call before 4:30 pm. Iowans can also send an email to, and they can expect a reply within 24 hours. Again many of the questions Iowans have are answered by the information contained on their website

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