In response to the Coronavirus, Americans were told by their federal and state governments to shut down their businesses, stop going to church, work, school or out to eat, travel only when necessary, and hunker down at home. Initially, Americans were led to believe this was for a two or three week period, to flatten the curve and not overwhelm our healthcare system. At seven weeks and counting, with staggering economic loss that will leave families and thousands of small businesses and farmers with profound devastation, the question must be asked, are we trying to flatten the curve or flatten our country?

The initial models that pointed to a staggering loss of life from the Coronavirus have proven wildly inaccurate. As of May 1, the CDC revised the number of deaths in the U.S. from the virus down to 37,308, after apparently removing deaths that were actually caused by the flu and pneumonia. Curiously, other places on the CDC site still had the death toll at 66,418. Regardless of which number is accurate, perspective is essential, and it must be remembered that medical experts have stated that the number of deaths attributed to the Coronavirus is being liberally interpreted and reported. The numbers cannot be considered in a vacuum, so it must be noted that deaths from pneumonia in the U.S. during the same period were 64,382.

The original goal of closing much of the U.S. economy and staying at home was to flatten the curve of new Coronavirus cases so that our hospital systems would not be overwhelmed. Hospitals built by the Army Corps of Engineers to handle the increased volume have mostly been taken down. Except for a few spots in the U.S., the healthcare system was not overwhelmed. As the medical models of casualties from the Coronavirus continue to be adjusted down, it is clear the curve has been flattened, so why do we continue to stay closed and worsen the economic devastation that tunnel vision has thus far kept many of our leaders from acknowledging?

Most health experts say 80 percent of Americans who get the Coronavirus experience only mild symptoms. The curve has been flattened. Our healthcare system is not overwhelmed. Why then is our economy, for the most part, still closed?

Projections for loss of life in Iowa have been lowered from staggering numbers to a prediction of 365. While any loss of life is horrific, this number must be put into perspective as we consider the devastation being done to our economy, our families, and our way of life by actions taken to combat the Coronavirus. Consider that 578 Iowans died from the flu and pneumonia in 2017, a greater number than are likely to pass away from the Coronavirus. We also know that many who die from the virus are elderly with underlying health conditions, increasing the likelihood that any serious illness could result in their death. While we must take the Coronavirus seriously, is our response necessary or economically sustainable? The data shows that the answer to both questions is no. We are no longer flattening the curve; we are flattening our state and nation.

We have seen the medical data. What has been less visible in press conferences and the overall reporting of the Coronavirus and our response to it, are the economic and human costs of what we are doing:

  • Thirty million Americans are out of work, and the number grows daily.
  • Dairy farmers are pouring out milk they have no market for.
  • Pork producers are euthanizing hogs they have no market for.
  • According to a study by Iowa State University, the losses to Iowa Agriculture are at a staggering $6.7 billion and growing, with the most substantial losses in pork production and ethanol.
  • In Iowa, the economic loss for corn is estimated to be $788 million, $213 million for soybean, and $34 million for cattle.
  •  The Iowa Restaurant Association estimates as many as 25% of Iowa’s restaurants will not reopen; a number brought close to home as I write this, with the owners of Crawford County’s longest operating restaurant announcing they will not reopen unless buyers are found.
  • Iowa’s public universities are predicting a $187 million loss.
  • Iowa is spending $200 million or more per month on unemployment claims, with over 171,000 Iowans unemployed.
  • 29% of the U.S. economy is frozen as a result of government action, with U.S. economic output down 29%.
  • U.S. unemployment could soon hit 47 million, which is a 32% unemployment rate.
  • Losses to U.S. tourism are predicted to top $910 billion.
  • Retirement plans for millions of Americans are being decimated, with average 401k loss at 19%;
  • Drug and alcohol addiction and relapse are increasing.
  • Testing for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease are being delayed, which could lead to increased health problems and life-threatening illnesses in the future.
  • Economic damage to rural hospitals will likely lead to hospital closures and less access to health care in some areas.
  • Warnings of a meat shortage in the U.S. have been issued by the CEO’s of several meat processing companies, with reports that the food supply chain is under great strain. Several grocery store chains are now limiting meat purchases, and some national restaurant chains are no longer offering certain meat products on their menus. Higher meat prices are almost inevitable in the months to come.
  • Huge U.S. debt increases, unlike anything seen since WWII to the tune of over $3 trillion and counting, are adding to the already monstrous $22 trillion in U.S. debt. This does not bode well for our children or future economic stability.

The list of consequences goes on, and behind each of the statistics is a family struggling to survive: 

  •  A father and mother fearful of how they will care for their children.
  •  A small business owner seeing their dreams and hard work destroyed overnight by draconian government mandates.
  • A restaurant owner deciding never to reopen.
  • A dairy farmer throwing in the towel.
  • A business owner who is postponing indefinitely plans for expanding. 

Behind these numbers is an economy profoundly impacted by the government response to the Coronavirus, with implications for our economic wellbeing profound and long-lasting. Expansion projects delayed, business closures, layoffs, and contractions for many businesses will likely keep unemployment numbers high and depress economic expansion for an unknown amount of time. Let us be clear; it grows worse every day we remain closed. We are not flattening the curve; we are flattening the country.

Elected leaders have a responsibility to think critically and report the truth to their constituents. Elected leaders have a moral obligation to lead based on truth, not public opinion polls. Finally, elected leaders swore an oath to the Constitution, and that is where their loyalty should reside. I cannot at this time make optimistic platitudes that we will get through this together without also pointing out the profound and continuing impact of government action to combat the Coronavirus on our families and our future. It is time for truth, not platitudes. We are not flattening the curve; we are flattening the country, and our leaders must boldly admit this fact and reopen our economy before it is too late.

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