Protestors chant outside the Des Moines Police Department after a Rally for Justice for George Floyd on Friday, May 29, 2020.

DES MOINES, Iowa – Caffeinated Thoughts attended the Rally for George Floyd outside the Des Moines Police Department headquarters.

The rally lasted an hour with a variety of planned and impromptu speakers including B. Well and Kimberly Graham, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in Iowa’s U.S. Senate race. The rally started as a call to unity, but ended with a partisan and far-left tone.


After the rally organizers attempted to have those in attendance disburse peacefully, a post-rally protest began right in front of the Des Moines Police Department headquarters.

Protestors and police clashed later in the evening. Two stores had windows broken, a police vehicle was damaged, but property damage was kept to a minimum. Caffeinated Thoughts was on the scene later in the evening to catch some of the clashes between protestors and police.

We also went live on Facebook a number of times.

One final clash before things started to wind down for the evening.

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