DES MOINES, Iowa – The Republican Party of Iowa on Tuesday announced a new digital ad entitled, “Greedy Greenfield: Bad for Iowa Small Businesses.” 

The announcement comes 15 days after a dozen small business owners sent Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Theresa Greenfield a letter asking her to explain why she evicted small businesses in Windsor Heights to make room for a multinational corporation. 

Greenfield has yet to answer.


As president of Colby Interests, Greenfield ousted three stores in Windsor Heights, some of whom ran their business from that location for decades. 

“As a real estate executive, greedy Greenfield favored a multinational corporation over Windsor Heights small businesses, forcing out loyal tenants that had been there for decades,” said Aaron Britt, spokesman for the Republican Party of Iowa. “If she wants to represent Iowans in the U.S. Senate, she has to come clean on this dark part of her past. The longer she stays silent, the more Iowans know they can’t trust Theresa Greenfield.”

The Iowa GOP also launched a website dedicated to fact checking Greenfield called “”

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