DES MOINES, Iowa – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate announced the state shattered turnout records for a June primary on Tuesday night after more than 500,000 voters cast ballots.

“The credit goes to Iowa voters, poll workers and county auditors,” Pate said. “Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and protests going on across the state, Iowans made their voices heard in record numbers. I am so proud of everyone who participated and the people behind the scenes in all 99 counties that made it happen. I also want to thank Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Iowa National Guard for delivering masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer to the counties so Iowans could vote safely at the polls.”

The previous high for a June primary was set in 1994, when 449,490 Iowans voted.

Every county will now conduct post-election audits in randomly selected precincts to help ensure the integrity of the vote. All results remain unofficial until canvassing is completed, and the results are certified later this month.

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