For today’s episode of the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, Shane Vander Hart speaks with Michael Johnson, president of the Slavic Gospel Association (SGA), about the work his ministry does in the former Soviet Union and their new campaign called Christ over COVID.

Johnson, who served as Vice President of Advancement at SGA from 1997-2003, was named President of SGA in May of 2017. 

He began his career as an account manager and supervisor at highly respected international advertising agencies from 1986 to 1995, serving major consumer brands. He later moved to nonprofit agency leadership at KMA Direct Communications and Douglas Shaw and Associates, where he served as Senior Vice President for 11 years before rejoining SGA.

SGA, a nearly 90-year-old ministry that partners with hundreds of missionaries and more than 6,000 evangelical churches across Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Under this campaign so far:

  1. 1.6 million meals provided in partnership with 6,350 evangelical churches in Russia and the former Soviet Union.
  2. A majority of the meals were for single parent homes and elderly living in poverty.
  3. Approximately 20,000 families reached.

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